Subject: Digital terrain models (17 - GI404A)

Basic Information

Scientific or art field:Geoinformatika
Course specification

Course is active from 01.10.2007..

Acquisition of basic and applied knowledge in the field of digital data modeling and Digital terrain models. Introduction of students into the world of 3D models and problems that accompany the visualization of relief and geospatial.
Acquired knowledge is used in professional courses, as well as in the recognition and in solving the engineering problems.
Lecture content: Digital terrain models: purpose and applications. Terrain presentation – basic concepts. Terrain presentations in 2D and 3D space. Digital terrain model – basic concepts. Classification of digital terrain models – DTM, DSM, DEM. Data acquisition for digital terrain model: Classical surveying, Photogrammetry, SAR interferometry, LIDAR, GNSS. Surface and terrain modelling. Networks of triangles. Networks of squares and rectangles. Automations in TIN and GRID generating. Interpolation techniques. Geostatistics. Quality control and accuracy assessment. Digital terrain modeling in different resolutions - LOD. Presentation using contour lines. Generation of contour lines based on DTM. Visualization of the digital terrain model. Application of the digital terrain model in geodesy. GIS application of the digital terrain model. Practice contents: Practical application in the lectures presented in the concepts.
Forms of teaching: lectures; computer exercises; active participation; making tasks.
Li, Z., Zhu, Q., Gold, C.Digital terrain modeling : principes and metodology2005CRC Press, Boca RatonEnglish
Borisov, M.Digitalni modeli terena2015Skripta u rukopisu, Novi Sad, SrbijaSerbian language
Kraus, K.Photogrammetrie, Band 32001Topographische Informationsysteme, Bonn, GermanyEnglish
Course activity Pre-examination ObligationsNumber of points
Exercise attendanceYesYes5.00
Computer excersise defenceYesYes30.00
Coloquium examNoNo25.00
Term paperYesYes15.00
Theoretical part of the examNoYes50.00
Name and surnameForm of classes
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Borisov Mirko
Full Professor

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Vrtunski Milan
Asistent sa doktoratom

Computational classes
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Jovanović Dušan
Associate Professor

Computational classes
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Bugarinović Željko
Asistent sa doktoratom

Computational classes