Assoc. Prof. Nenad Grahovac

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Nenad Grahovac

Associate Professor

Academic titleAssociate Professor
Employee's biography not found!
Associate Professor
PositionFromToOrganizational unit
Assistant Professor25.09.2017.Chair of Technical Mechanics
Assistant Professor25.09.2012.Chair of Technical Mechanics
Assistant with PhD08.12.2011.01.09.2012.Department of Technical Mechanics
Assistant - Magister27.09.2009.01.11.2011.Department of Technical Mechanics
Intern Assistant08.09.2006.01.09.2009.Department of Technical Mechanics
Intern Assistant29.12.2004.01.12.2005.Department of Technical Mechanics
Data about the current functions of the employee not found!
Function nameFromToOrganizational unit
Head of Chair01.02.2015.Chair of Technical Mechanics
TitleIn institution
Stabilnost i optimalni oblik pritisnutog i uvijenog stuba

Bachelor's thesis

Mechanical Engineering

Faculty of Technical Sciences


Izučavanje dvohodih simetričnih i uravnoteženih regeneratora

Magister thesis

Mechanical Engineering

Faculty of Technical Sciences


Analiza disipacije energije u problemima sudara dva ili više tela

PhD thesis

Mechanical Engineering

Faculty of Technical Sciences


Criterium of productionDescription
() Researches published in the journals of the international importanceGrahovac N., Žigić M.: Modelling of the hamstring muscle group by use of fractional derivatives, Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 2010, Vol. 59, No 5, pp. 1695-1700, ISSN 0898-1221
() Research published in the top international journalGlavardanov V., Maretić R., Grahovac N.: Buckling of a twisted and compressed rod supported by Cardan joints , European Journal of Mechanics - A: Solids, 2009, Vol. 28, pp. 131-140, ISSN 0997-7538
() Research published in the top international journalGrahovac N., Spasić D.: Multivalued fractional differential equations as a model for an impact of two bodies, Journal of Vibration and Control,, 2014, Vol. 20, No 7, pp. 1017-1032, ISSN 1077-5463
() Research published in the top international journalZorica, D., Zigic, M., Grahovac, N.: Viscoelastic body colliding against a rigid wall with and without dry friction effects, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2017, 45, 365-382, ISSN 0307-904X
() Research published in the top international journalGlavardanov V., Maretić R., Žigić M., Grahovac N.: Secondary bifurcation of a shearable rod with nonlinear spring supports, European Journal of Mechanics - A: Solids, 2017, Vol. 66, pp. 433-445, ISSN 0997-7538
() Research published in the prominent international journalGrahovac N., Žigić M., Spasić D.: On impact scripts with both fractional and dry friction type of dissipation, INT J BIFURCAT CHAOS, 2012, Vol. 22, No 4, pp. 1-10, ISSN 0218-1274
() Research published in the prominent international journalŽigić M., Grahovac N.: Numerical algorithm for rigid body position estimation using quaternion approach, Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2018, Vol. 34, No 2, pp. 400-408, ISSN 0567-7718
() Research published in the international journalŽigić M., Grahovac N.: Application of fractional calculus to frontal crash modeling, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2017, Vol. 2017, No Article ID 7419602, 10 pages, ISSN 1024-123X
() Research published in the international journalGrahovac N., Stojanović Z., Kravić S., Orčić D., Suturović Z., Kondić-Špika A., Vasin J., Šunjka D., Jakšić S., Rajković M., Grahovac N.: Determination of residues of sulfonylurea herbicides in soil by using microwave-assisted extraction and high performance liquid chromatographic method, Hemijska industrija, 2017, Vol. 71, No 4, pp. 289-298, ISSN 2217-7426
() Research published in the journal of the international importance verified by the special resolutionŽigić M., Grahovac N.: Earthquake response of adjacent structures with viscoelastic and friction dampers, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2015, Vol. 42, No 4, pp. 277-289, ISSN 1450-5584
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entiretyMikov M., Goločorbin-Kon S., Grahovac N., Žigić M., Spasić D.: The influence of 12-monoketocholic acid on methotrexate oral absorption in the rat by means of fractional calculus, 1. International Conference on Fractional Differentiation and its Applications: ICFDA16, Novi Sad: Faculty of technical sciences and Serbian society of mechanics, 2016, pp. 146-149, ISBN 978-86-7892-830-7
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entiretyŽigić M., Spasić D., Okuka A., Grahovac N.: Dynamics of structures with viscoelastic and friction dampers, 4. Savremena dostignuća u građevinarstvu, Subotica: Građevinski fakultet Subotica, 22-23 April, 2016, pp. 259-267, ISBN 978-86-80297-63-7, UDK: 624.042.8
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entiretyGrahovac N., Žigić M., Spasić D.: On impact scripts with both fractional and dry friction type of dissipation, 4. IFAC Workshop on Fractional Differentiation and Its Applications, Badajoz, 18-20 Oktobar, 2010
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entiretyOkuka A., Grahovac N., Žigić M., Spasić D.: On viscoelastic properties of asphalt mixtures, 5. Contemporary Achievements in Civil Engineering, Subotica, 21 April, 2017, pp. 377-381, UDK: 691.16:539.3:517.965
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entiretyGrahovac N., Spasić D., Žigić M., Okuka A.: Dynamic response of a structure to earthquake excitation, 5. Contemporary Achievements in Civil Engineering, Subotica, 21 April, 2017, pp. 297-304, UDK: 624.042.7:517.9
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entiretyGrahovac N., Žigić M., Okuka A., Spasić D.: On creep/recovery and pulse heating models, 1. International Conference on Fractional Differentiation and its Applications: ICFDA16, Novi Sad: Faculty of technical sciences and Serbian society of mechanics, 2016, pp. 582-585, ISBN 978-86-7892-830-7
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entiretyŽigić M., Grahovac N., Brkić B.: DYNAMICS OF ADJACENT STRUCTURES DURING HORIZONTAL GROUND MOTION, 6. Contemporary Achievements in Civil Engineering, Subotica, 20 April, 2018, pp. 163-172, ISBN 978-86-80297-73-6, UDK: 624.042.7
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entiretyŽigić M., Grahovac N.: Dynamical behavior of a polymer gel during impact. Fractional derivative viscoelastic model, 3. International Congress of Serbian Society of Mechanics, Vlasinsko jezero, 5-8 Jul, 2011, pp. 871-878, ISBN 978-86-909973-3-6, UDK: 531/534(082)
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entiretyGrahovac N.: Generalized Zener model in the analysis of free vibration of a viscoelastic oscillator, 2. International Congress of Serbian Society of Mechanics, Palić: Serbian Society of Mechanics, 1-5 Jun, 2009, pp. 145-153, ISBN 978-86-7892-173-5, UDK: 531/534(082)
() Report from the international meeting printed in extractsKovinčić N., Žigić M., Grahovac N., Spasić D.: On Impact in Biomechanical Systems, International scientific conference on mechanics, 6. International Scientific Conference on Mechanics - Sixth Polyakhov`s Reading, Saint Petersburg, 31-3 Januar, 2012, pp. 251-251, ISBN 978-5-91563-101-3
() Report from the international meeting printed in extractsŽigić M., Grahovac N., Spasić D.: An optimal control problem for a sliding isolated seismically excited structure with passive fractional damping, 1. International Conference on Fractional Differentiation and its Applications, Catania, 23-25 Jun, 2014
() Report from the international meeting printed in extractsZorica D., Žigić M., Grahovac N.: Problem of a body impacting against a rigid wall, 1. International Conference on Fractional Differentiation and its Applications, Catania, 23-25 Jun, 2014
() Report from the international meeting printed in extractsGrahovac N., Žigić M.: ENERGY DISSIPATION ANALYSIS OF A COLUMN LIKE STRUCTURE DURING EARTHQUAKE EXCITATION, 6. International Congress of Serbian Society of Mechanics, Tara, 19-21 Jun, 2017, ISBN 978-86-909973-6-7, UDK: 531/534(082)(0.034.2)
() Collections editing of the reports from the international meetingSpasić D., Grahovac N., Žigić M., Rapaić M., Atanacković T.: Proceedings International Conference on Fractional Differentiation and its Applications Novi Sad, Serbia, July 18 - 20, 2016, 1. International Conference on Fractional Differentiation and its Applications: ICFDA16, Novi Sad: Faculty of technical sciences and Serbian society of mechanics, 2016, ISBN 978-86-7892-830-7
() Collections editing of the reports from the international meetingSpasić D., Lazarević M., Grahovac N., Žigić M.: Proceedings of 5th International Congress of Serbian Society of Mechanics, 5. International Congress of Serbian Society of Mechanics, Aranđelovac: Faculty of Technical Sciences, 15-17 Jun, 2015, ISBN 978-86-7892-715-7
() Defended Doctoral dissertationGrahovac N.: Analiza disipacije energije u problemima sudara dva ili više tela, Novi Sad, autorski reprint, 2011
() Defended Magister thesis1. Izučavanje dvohodih simetričnih i uravnoteženih regeneratora, Magistarska teza, Fakultet tehničkih nauka, Novi Sad, 2005
TitleScientific areaHigher education institutionElection date
Associate ProfessorMechanicsUniversity of Novi Sad03.06.2020.
Assistant ProfessorMechanicsUniversity of Novi Sad25.09.2017.
Assistant ProfessorMechanicsFaculty of Technical Sciences25.09.2012.
AssistantMechanicsFaculty of Technical Sciences27.09.2009.
Intern AssistantMechanicsFaculty of Technical Sciences29.12.2004.
Research AssociateMechanicsFaculty of Technical Sciences21.03.2003.