Asistent sa doktoratom Mirjana Bojanić-Šejat

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Mirjana Bojanić-Šejat

Asistent sa doktoratom

Academic titleAsistent sa doktoratom
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TitleIn institution
Modeliranje delova i sklopova primenom programskog sistema Pro/Engineer

Bachelor's thesis

Mechanical Engineering

Faculty of Technical Sciences


Modelovanje mehaničkog ponašanja kugličnih ležaja

PhD thesis

Mechanical Engineering

Faculty of Technical Sciences


Projektovanje obrtnih stolova za specijalne mašine alatke

Master's thesis

Mechanical Engineering

Faculty of Technical Sciences


Criterium of productionDescription
() Research published in the top international journalLabus Zlatanović D., Bergmann J., Baloš S., Hildebrand J., Bojanić Šejat M., Goel S.: Effect of surface oxide layers in solid-state welding of aluminium alloys – review, Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, 2023, pp. 1-21, ISSN 1362-1718
() Research published in the international journalDesnica (Ginin) E., Nikolić I., Trninić V., Bojanić Šejat M.: Reliability Design of the Casting Machines under High Pressure 10.17559/TV-20150527101851 , Tehnicki vjesnik - Technical Gazette, 2017, Vol. 24, No 4, pp. 1277-1282, ISSN 1330-3651
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entiretyBojanić M., Tabaković S., Milojević Z., Zeljković M.: Processing of diagnostic images of the skeletal system, 11. International Scientific Conference "Advanced Production Technologies" - MMA, Novi Sad: Fakultet tehničkih nauka, 20-21 Septembar, 2012, pp. 215-218, ISBN 978-86-7892-419-4
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entiretyTabaković S., Bojanić M., Zeljković M., Milojević Z.: Programming solutions for processing digital medical images, 11. International Conference on Accomplishments in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology - DEMI, Banja Luka: University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, 30-1 Maj, 2013, pp. 507-512, ISBN 978-99938-39-45-3
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entiretyAntić A., Zeljković M., Bojanić M.: Development of Tool Wear Monitoring System for Turning, 35. International Conference of Production Engeneering - ICPE, Kopaonik: Faculty of Mechanical and Civil Engineering in Kraljevo, 25-28 Septembar, 2013, pp. 359-364, ISBN 978-86-82631-69-9
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entiretyBojanić Šejat M., Knežević I., Živković A., Rackov M., Kiss I.: Analysis of the clearance influence on the four point contact ball bearing dynamic behavior, 6. International Scientific Conference "Conference on Mechanical Engineering Technologies and Applications" - COMETa, Jahorina: Univerzitet u Istočnom Sarajevu Mašinski fakultet Istočno Sarajevo, 17-19 November, 2022, pp. 442-449, ISBN 978-99976-947-6-8
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entiretyBojanić Šejat M., Rackov M., Knežević I., Živković A.: Modal analysis of ball bearings using finite element method, 14. International Scientific Conference "Flexible Technologies" - MMA, Novi Sad: University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technic Science, 23-25 September, 2021, pp. 83-86, ISBN 978-86-6022-364-9
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entiretyBojanić Šejat M., Živković A., Knežević I., Rackov M., Zeljković M.: Influence the Amount of Lubrication on Dynamic Behavior of the Ball Bearing, 4. International Scientific Conference "Conference on Mechanical Engineering Technologies and Applications" - COMETa, Jahorina: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in East Sarajevo, East Sarajevo, B&H [editors: D. Golubović, A. Košarac, D. Jeremić], 27-30 November, 2018, pp. 414-419, ISBN 978-99976-719-4-3
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entiretyBojanić Šejat M., Hadžistević M., Mlađenović C.: Straightness examation of CMM axis, 12. International Scientific Conference "Flexible Technologies" - MMA, Andrevlje: University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Science, 25-26 September, 2015, pp. 83-86, ISBN 978-86-7892-722-5
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entiretyBojanić Šejat M., Tabaković S., Milojević Z., Zeljković M.: Processing of diagnostic images of the skeletal system, 11. International Scientific Conference "Advanced Production Technologies" - MMA, Novi Sad: Fakultet tehničkih nauka, 20-21 September, 2012, pp. 215-218, ISBN 978-86-7892-419-4
() Research published in the journal of the national importanceBojanić Šejat M., Rackov M., Knežević I., Živković A.: Modal analysis of ball bearing using finite element method , Journal of Production Engineering, 2022, Vol. 25, No. 2, pp. 20-24
() Research published in the journal of the national importanceBojanić Šejat M., Hadžistević M., Mlađenović C.: Straightness examation of CMM axis, Journal of Production Engineering, 2015, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 85-88, ISSN 1821-4932
() Research published in the journal of the national importanceŽivković A., Knežev M., Zeljković M., Bojanić Šejat M., Mijušković M., Navalušić S.: Analysis static behaviour of ball bearings with two and four contact points, Machine Design, 2019, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 131-134, ISSN 1821-1259
() Research published in the scientific journalBojanić Šejat M., Živković A., Knežević I., Rackov M., Mlađenović C.: Modeling of Static Behavior of Four Point Contact Ball Bearing, Annals of Faculty Engineering Hunedoara - International Journal of Engineering, 2022, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 37-40, ISSN 1584-2665
() Research published in the scientific journalKnežević I., Živković A., Rackov M., Kanović Ž., Buljević A., Bojanić Šejat M., Navalušić S.: Prediction of Radial Clearance Based on Bearing Vibration Using Artificial Neural Network, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2021, Vol. 1009, pp. 1-6, ISSN 1757-8981
() Research published in the scientific journalBojanić Šejat M., Jovičić G., Zeljković M.: Determination of accuracy of positioning CNC machine tool, Annals of Faculty Engineering Hunedoara - International Journal of Engineering, 2015, No. XIII, pp. 45-52, ISSN 1584-2665
() Research published in the scientific journalBojanić Šejat M., Tabaković S.: Projektovanje obrtnih stolova za specijalne mašine alatke, Zbornik radova Fakulteta tehničkih nauka, 2010, Vol. 13, pp. 2621-2624, ISSN 0350-428X, UDK: 621.9
() Research published in the scientific journalBojanić Šejat M., Jovičić G., Zeljković M.: Determination of accuracy of positioning CNC machine tool , Annals of Faculty Engineering Hunedoara - International Journal of Engineering, 2015, No XIII, pp. 45-52, ISSN 1584-2665
() Research published in the scientific journalKnežević I., Živković A., Rackov M., Kanović Ž., Bojanić Šejat M.: Analysis of the Impact of Lubrication on the Dynamic Behavior of Ball Bearings Using Artificial Neural Networks, Romanian Journal of Acoustics and Vibration (RJAV), 2019, Vol. 16, No 2, pp. 178-183, ISSN 1584-7284
() Invited lectures from the meeting of the national importance printed in its entiretyBojanić Šejat M., Živković A., Knežević I., Rackov M., Lukić D.: Određivanjne veka ležaja primenom eksperimentalne numeričke metode , 7. Održavanje - Maintenance, Budva: University of Zenica, 12-16 Septembar, 2022, pp. 17-24, ISBN 1986-583X
() Invited lectures from the meeting of the national importance printed in its entiretyZeljković M., Navalušić S., Todić V., Tabaković S., Milojević Z., Antić A., Živković A., Gerić K., Vićević M., Lukić D., Beju L., Mlađenović C., Blanuša V., Bojanić M., Jovičić G., Vukman J.: Savremeni prilazi u razvoju specijalnih rešenja uležištenja u mašinstvu i medicinskoj protetici, 38. Jupiter konferencija, Beograd: Mašinski fakultet-Beograd, 15-16 Maj, 2012, pp. 16-34, ISBN 978-86-7083-757-7
() Report from the meeting of the national importance printed in its entiretyBojanić Šejat M., Knežević I., Živković A., Rackov M., Ilić V.: Modelovanje statičkog ponašanja radijalnih ležaja , 13. International Scientific Conference ETIKUM, Novi Sad: UNIVERSITY OF NOVI SAD, FACULTY OF TECHNICAL SCIENCES DEPARTMENT OF PRODUCTION ENGINEERING , 2-4 Decembar, 2021, pp. 93-96, ISBN 978-86-6022-387-8
TitleScientific areaHigher education institutionElection date
Asistent sa doktoratomMašinski elementi, mehanizmi i inženjerske grafičke komunikacijeFaculty of Technical Sciences01.11.2021.
Assistant - MasterMašinski elementi, mehanizmi i inženjerske grafičke komunikacijeFaculty of Technical Sciences01.10.2018.
Assistant - MasterMašinski elementi, mehanizmi i inženjerske grafičke komunikacijeFaculty of Technical Sciences01.10.2014.
Research AssociateMachine Tools, Flexible Technological Systems and Automatization Processes Design30.01.2013.
Professional Studies ProfessorMachine Tools, Flexible Technological Systems and Automatization Processes Design29.12.2010.