Prof. Ljubomir Budinski

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Ljubomir Budinski

Full Professor

Academic titleFull Professor
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Full Professor
PositionFromToOrganizational unit
Full Professor15.04.2022.30.11.2023.Chair of Hydrotechnics and Geodesy
Associate Professor15.04.2017.14.04.2022.Chair of Hydrotechnics and Geodesy
Assistant Professor01.11.2013.01.03.2017.Chair of Hydrotechnics and Geodesy
TitleIn institution
Numeričko modeliranje toka u burnom režimu

Magister thesis


Faculty of Civil Engineering Subotica


Matematičko modeliranje ravanskih (osrednjenih po dubini) jednačina strujanja vode, transporta nanosa i morfoloških promena u prirodnim aluvijalnim vodotocima

PhD thesis


Faculty of Civil Engineering Subotica


Criterium of productionDescription
() Monographic study/chapter in M12 or research in the thematic collection of the international importanceFabian Đ., Kolaković S., Gabrić O., Budinski Lj.: Integrated Management of Selected River Basin Complying With the European Water Framework Directive, Novi Sad, Academy of Sciences and Arts of Vojvodina, 2008, str. 35-88, ISBN 978-86-85889-29-5
() Researches published in the journals of the international importance Budinski, Lj. :Solute transport in shallow water flows using the coupled curvilinear Lattice Boltzmann method, Journal of Hydrology, 2019, Vol. 573, pp 557-567, ISSN 0022-1694
() Researches published in the journals of the international importanceOžvat S., Budinski Lj.: Non-uniform grid based LBM for the Saint-Venant equations, Journal of Hydrology, 2018, Vol. 563, pp. 435-445, ISSN 0022-1694
() Research published in the top international journalBudinski Lj.: Application of the LBM with adaptive grid on water hammer simulation, Journal of Hydroinformatics, 2015, ISSN 1464-7141
() Research published in the top international journalBudinski Lj., Fabian Đ., Stipić M.: Lattice Boltzmann method for groundwater flow in non-orthogonal structured lattices, Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 2015, Vol. 70, No 10, pp. 2601-2615, ISSN 0898-1221
() Research published in the top international journalBudinski Lj.: MRT lattice Boltzmann method for 2D flows in curvilinear coordinates, Computers and Fluids, 2014, Vol. 96, No 0, pp. 288-301, ISSN 0045-7930
() Research published in the top international journalBudinski Lj.: Lattice Boltzmann method for 2D flows in curvilinear coordinates, Journal of Hydroinformatics, 2012, Vol. 14, No 3, pp. 772-783, ISSN 1464-7141
() Research published in the top international journalBudinski Lj., Kermani E.P., Ožvat S., Fabian Đ., Stipić M. : Unsteady flow simulation using the curvilinear multi-relaxation-time lattice Boltzmann method : Danube River case study, Journal of Hydraulic Research -
() Research published in the prominent international journalBudinski Lj., Fabian Đ., Stipić M.: Modeling groundwater flow by lattice Boltzmann method in curvilinear coordinates, International Journal of Modern Physics C: Physics and Computers, 2015, Vol. 26, No 2, pp. 1-21, ISSN 0129-1831
() Research published in the prominent international journalBudinski Lj., Spasojević M.: 2D Modeling of Flow and Sediment Interaction: Sediment Mixtures, Journal of Waterway Port Coastal and Ocean Engineering, 2014, Vol. 140, No 2, pp. 199-209, ISSN 0733-950X
() Research published in the international journalKolaković S., Fabian Đ., Sandor K., Budinski Lj., Stipić M.: Exploitation of Documented Historical Floods for Achieving Better Flood Defense, Advances in Meteorology, 2015, Vol. 2016, pp. 1-9, ISSN 1687-9309
() Research published in the international journalFabian Đ., Budinski Lj.: Horizontal Mixing in the Shallow Palic Lake Caused by Steady and Unsteady Winds, Environmental Modeling and Assessment, 2013, Vol. 18, No 4, pp. 427-438, ISSN 1420-2026, UDK: 10.1007/s10666-013-9356-4
() Research published in the journal of the international importance verified by the special resolutionBudinski Lj., Fabian Đ.: Flow patterns of shallow Palić Lake induced by the dominant winds, Facta Universitatis, Series: Architecture and Civil Engineering, 2012, Vol. 10, No 1, pp. 55-67, ISSN 0354-4605
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entiretyKolaković S., Jeftenić G., Stipić M., Kolaković S., Budinski Lj.: FLOOD MODEL AT RACINOVCI AND RAJEVO SELO USING THE 2D MODEL IN HEC-RAS, 15. International Symposium on Water Management and Hydraulic Engineering, Primošten: Faculty of Civil Engineering Zagreb, 6-8 Septembar, 2017, ISBN 978-953-8168-16-1
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entiretyKolaković S., Jeftenić G., Vujović S., Kolaković S., Budinski Lj.: Predlog rešenja za smanjenje unošenja nanosa u jezero Tikvara kod Bačke Palanke , 6. Građevinarstvo - nauka i praksa, Žabljak: Građevinski fakultet Podgorica, 7-11 Mart, 2016
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entiretyBudinski Lj., Fabian Đ., Mašić B., Jeftenić G., Kolaković S.: Improved Lattice Boltzmann method for 2D flows in curvilinear coordinates, 3. Savremena dostignuća u građevinarstvu, Subotica: Građevinski fakultet Subotica, 24 April, 2015, pp. 565-575
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entiretyFabian Đ., Budinski Lj.: Droughts in the Bačka district during the vegetation period, Zbornik radova međunarodne konferencije "Savremena dostignuća u građevinarstvu", 2015, pp. 589-596, 3. Savremena dostignuća u građevinarstvu, Subotica: Građevinski fakultet Subotica, 24 April, 2015, pp. 589-596, ISBN 978-86-80297-62-0
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entiretyKolaković S., Vujović S., Kolaković S., Jeftenić G., Mašić B., Budinski Lj.: ,,Assessment of water quality of artificial water bodies in Vojvodina (Serbia) using factor and cluster analysis'', International Jubilee Conference: Science and Technic '65th anniversary Faculty of Hydraulic Engineering and 15th anniversary Hydraulic Engineering in German', Sofia, Bulgaria, November 6-7. 2014, University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Sofia., 9. International Conference University of Structural Engineering and Architecture, Sofija, 5-6 Jun, 2014
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entiretyBudinski Lj., Mašić B., Jeftenić G., Kolaković S., Vujović S.: ,,Modelling of the unsteady flow - sediment interaction - grain size approach'', International Jubilee Conference: Science and Technic '65th anniversary Faculty of Hydraulic Engineering and 15th anniversary Hydraulic Engineering in German', Sofia, Bulgaria, November 6-7. 2014, University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Sofia., 9. International Conference University of Structural Engineering and Architecture, Sofija, 5-6 Jun, 2014
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entiretyKolaković S., Budinski Lj., Jeftenić G., Mašić B., Kolaković S., Vujović S.: ,,Analysis possition of filtration line and seepage flow trought the 'Mesić' dam using SEEP/W software'', International Jubilee Conference: Science and Technic '65th anniversary Faculty of Hydraulic Engineering and 15th anniversary Hydraulic Engineering in German', Sofia, Bulgaria, November 6-7. 2014, University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Sofia., 9. International Conference University of Structural Engineering and Architecture, Sofija, 5-6 Jun, 2014
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entiretyStipić M., Kolaković S., Šranc R., Fabian Đ., Budinski Lj.: The role of the second embankment line in flood defence, 1. International Conference of Flood Resilience, Exeter, 5-7 Septembar, 2013, pp. 75-77, ISBN 978-0-9539140-9-8
() Research published in the leading journal of the national importanceBudinski Lj., Fabian Đ.: Uzroci i karakteristike strujanja u Palićkom jezeru, Vodoprivreda, 2010, Vol. 42, No 4-6, pp. 165-173, ISSN 0350-0519
() Research published in the leading journal of the national importanceKovačević Z., Ostojić A., Bojović M., Budinski Lj., Gabrić O.: Definisanje plavnih zona usled rušenja brana u Alžiru, Vodoprivreda, 2009, No 4-6, pp. 127-135, ISSN 0350-0519, UDK: 627.891/51
() Research published in the leading journal of the national importanceBudinski Lj., Fabian Đ., Gabrić O.: Snimanje i prikaz batimetrije vodnih tela, Voda i sanitarna tehnika, 2009, Vol. 39, No 5, pp. 15-22, ISSN 0350-5049
() Research published in the journal of the national importanceKovačević Z., Spasojević M., Budinski Lj., Gabrić O., Ostojić A., Bojović M.: Izrada hazard mapa u slučaju rušenja brana, Tehnika - Naše građevinarstvo, 2010, Vol. 64, No 6, pp. 1-9, ISSN 0350-2619
() Research published in the journal of the national importanceKovačević Z., Budinski Lj., Gabrić O., Ostojić A., Bojović M.: Izrada hazard mapa u slučaju rušenja brana, Tehnika - Naše građevinarstvo, 2010, Vol. 64, No 6, pp. 1-9, ISSN 0350-2619
() Research published in the journal of the national importanceBudinski Lj.: Snimanje i prikaz batimetrije vodnih tela, Voda i sanitarna tehnika, 2009, No 39, pp. 15-22, ISSN 0350-5049, UDK: 628.336+551.46.08
() Research published in the journal of the national importanceBudinski Lj., Spasojević M.: MODELIRANJE RAVANSKOG STRUJANJA METODOM ETAPNOG REŠAVANJA ČLANOVA JEDNAČINA, Vodoprivreda, 2007, Vol. 1, No 225-227, pp. 23-30, ISSN 0350-0519, UDK: 532.5/627.13.001.57
() Research published in the journal of the national importanceBudinski Lj., Savić Lj.: NUMERIČKO MODELIRANJE BRZOTOKA PRI PROMENI PRAVCA ZIDA KANALA, Vodoprivreda, 2005, Vol. 1, No 213-215, pp. 59-69, ISSN 0350-0519, UDK: 532.543.3
() Research published in the journal of the national importanceBudinski Lj., Savić Lj.: NUMERIČKO MODELIRANJE BRZOTOKA U KRIVINI, Vodoprivreda, 2005, Vol. 4, No 216-218, pp. 181-190, ISSN 0350-0519, UDK: 532.543.3
() Report from the meeting of the national importance printed in its entiretyStipić M., Jeftenić G., Kolaković S., Vujović S., Budinski Lj.: Hidraulička analiza kanalizacije pod pritiskom naselja Nadalj, 17. Naučno savetovanje Srpskog društva za hidraulička istraživanja (SDHI) i Srpskog društva za hidrologiju (SDH), Vršac: Građevinski fakultet Beograd, 5-6 Oktobar, 2015
() Report from the meeting of the national importance printed in its entiretyBudinski Lj., Kolaković S., Stipić M., Jeftenić G., Vujović S.: Modeliranje hidrauličkog udara primenom u softverskom paketu AFT Impulse, 17. Naučno savetovanje Srpskog društva za hidraulička istraživanja (SDHI) i Srpskog društva za hidrologiju (SDH), Vršac: Građevinski fakultet Beograd, 5-6 Oktobar, 2015
() Report from the meeting of the national importance printed in its entiretyKolaković S., Jeftenić G., Budinski Lj., Stipić M., Vujović S.: Hidraulička laboratorija Fakulteta Tehničkih Nauka u Novom Sadu, 17. Naučno savetovanje Srpskog društva za hidraulička istraživanja (SDHI) i Srpskog društva za hidrologiju (SDH), Vršac: Građevinski fakultet Beograd, 5-6 Oktobar, 2015
() Report from the meeting of the national importance printed in its entiretyBudinski Lj., Horvat (rođ. Isić) M., Horvat Z., Spasojević M.: 2-D modeling of the unsteady flow-sediment interaction at the Danube River experimental Mohacs-Bezdan reach - 16th Conference of Serbian Society for Hydraulic Research and Serbian Society for Hydrology, 16. Naučno savetovanje srpskog društva za hidraulička istraživanja i srpskog društva za hidrologiju SDHI i SDH, Donji Milanovac, 22-23 Oktobar, 2012
() Report from the meeting of the national importance printed in its entiretyFabian Đ., Budinski Lj.: A Palicsi-tó létfenntartó áramlatai - 12. Vajdasági magyar tudóstalálkozó, 2. Vajdasági Magyar Tudóstalálkozó, Subotica, 21 April, 2012
() Report from the meeting of the national importance printed in its entiretyKolaković S., Fabian Đ., Budinski Lj., Gabrić O., Vujović S.: Okvirne direktive o vodama EU - upravljanje rečnim slivovima i vodnim podrucjima, 1. Naučno stručna konferencija Vode Srbije, Novi Sad: Fakultet tehničkih nauka Novi Sad, Međunarodna menadžerska akdemija Novi Sad, 12 Maj, 2010, pp. 41-46, ISBN 978-86-7892-288-6
() Report from the meeting of the national importance printed in its entiretyKovačević Z., Budinski Lj., Gabrić O., Ostojić A., Bojović M.: Definisanje plavnih zona usled rušenja brana u Alžiru, 15. Naučno savetovanje Srpskog društva za hidraulička istraživanja (SDHI) i Srpskog društva za hidrologiju (SDH), Beograd: Srpsko društvo za hidraulička istraživanja, 1-2 Oktobar, 2009, pp. 205-220, UDK:
() Report from the meeting of the national importance printed in its entiretyBudinski Lj., Savić Lj.: Numeričko modeliranje brzotoka pri suženju i proširenju korita, 14. Naučno savetovanje Srpskog društva za hidraulička istraživanja (SDHI) i Srpskog društva za hidrologiju (SDH), Fruška Gora: Srpsko društvo za hidraulička istraživanja, 13-15 Novembar, 2006, pp. 115-132, UDK: 532.543.3;519.62:627.14
() Report from the meeting of the national importance printed in its entiretyBudinski Lj., Savić Lj.: Primena ravanskog modela na brzotok u krivini, 14. Naučno savetovanje Srpskog društva za hidraulička istraživanja (SDHI) i Srpskog društva za hidrologiju (SDH), Fruška Gora: Srpsko društvo za hidraulička istraživanja, 13-15 Novembar, 2006, pp. 133-150, UDK: 532.543.3;519.62:627.14
() Report from the meeting of the national importance printed in its entiretyBudinski Lj., Spasojević M.: Rešavanje jednačina ravanskog toka metodom razlomljenih koraka, 14. Naučno savetovanje Srpskog društva za hidraulička istraživanja (SDHI) i Srpskog društva za hidrologiju (SDH), Fruška Gora: Srpsko društvo za hidraulička istraživanja, 13-15 Novembar, 2006, pp. 91-100, UDK: 532.543.3, 519.62:627.14
() Report from the meeting of the national importance printed in its entiretyBudinski Lj., Hovanj L.: Modelsko ispitivanje nagnutog oštroivičnog preliva, 13. Naučno savetovanje Srpskog društva za hidraulička istraživanja (SDHI) i Srpskog društva za hidrologiju (SDH), Soko Banja: Jugoslovensko društvo za hidraulička istraživanja, 9-11 Oktobar, 2002, pp. 33-38, ISBN 86-80295-60-4
() Basic textbook for the courseFabian, Đ., Budinski, Lj., “POTPOVRŠINSKE VODE”, Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Fakultet tehničkih nauka, edicija tehničke nauke – udžbenici, FTN izdavaštvo, Novi sad, 2018.
() Additional textbook for the courseFabian, Đ., Budinski, Lj., Stpić, M., Kolaković, S., “REŠENI ZADACI IZ HIDROTEHNIČKIH KONSTRUKCIJA”, Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Fakultet tehničkih nauka, edicija tehničke nauke – udžbenici, FTN izdavaštvo, Novi sad, 2016.
() Participation or special artistic courses teaching, seminars and master workshops in the country and abroadFabian, Djula, Kolakovic, Srdjan, Gabric, Ognjen, Budinski, Ljubomir, (2008), INTEGRATED MANAGMENT OF SELECTED RIVER BASIN COMPLYING WITH EUROPIAN WATER FRAMEWORK DIRECTIVE, Monography, ACADEMY OF SCIENCES AND ARTS OF VOJVODINA, p. 33-85, Novi Sad. (M14
TitleScientific areaHigher education institutionElection date
Full ProfessorHydrotechnicsUniversity of Novi Sad31.03.2022.
Associate ProfessorHydrotechnics15.04.2017.
Assistant ProfessorHydrotechnics01.11.2013.