Subject: Financial management with the accounting elements (06 - MBA310)

Basic Information

Scientific or art field:Production Systems, Organization and Management
Course specification

Course is active from 01.10.2006..

Students acquire basic knowledge to understand the environment in which accounting and financial information were created and used and to manage organization by using those information, as well as to apply scientific methods in order to manage successfully financial performance of a company.
Student uses the acquired knowledge in further education and expert courses,use independently accounting evidence, reports on business transactions, accounting information and financial statements as a basis in the decision making process.
Financial and management accounting as an information resource of management; Analysis of financial statements; Costs and their qualifications; Breakeven point analysis; Planning and control systems of a company performances; Making of partial and master budget (fixed and flexible budget); Budgetary control of performances; Accounting for decision making; Cost Analysis , Analysis of the decisions on the changes in the assortment; Introduction and overview of financial management; Financial statements, cash flow and taxes; Financial statement analysis; financial environment: markets, institutions and interest rates; Rates of return and risk; Time value of money; Long-term investment and risk.
Lecturers use audiovisual equipment. Auditory practice with homework. Seminar papers. Consultation.
Van Horne, WachowiczFundamentals of Financial Management2001FT/Prentice Hall, USAEnglish
BrunerCase Studies in Finance2001Irwin McGraw Hill, USAEnglish
N.Stevanović, D.Malinić, V.MilićevićUpravljačko računovodstvo2006Ekonomski fakultet, BeogradSerbian language
Ross, Westerfield, JaffeCorporate finance2001McGraw/Hill, Irwin, USAEnglish
Dr Veselin PerovićFinansijski menadžment - SKRIPTA2009FTN, Novi SadSerbian language
RossCorporate finance fundamentals2001McGraw/Hill, USAEnglish
Brigham,Garpenski, Ehrhardt, DrydenFinancial Management2006English
Stickney, WeilFinancial Accounting2005Harcourt, USAEnglish
ElliotFinancial Accounting and Reporting2002FT/Prentice Hall, Irwin, USAEnglish
Course activity Pre-examination ObligationsNumber of points
Exercise attendanceYesYes5.00
Written part of the exam - tasks and theoryNoYes70.00
Lecture attendanceYesYes5.00
Term paperYesYes20.00
Name and surnameForm of classes
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Drašković Zoran
Skill Lecturer

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Nerandžić Branislav
Full Professor

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Drašković Zoran
Skill Lecturer

Practical classes