Subject: Scene Design & Techniques 2 (17 - ASO20)

Basic Information

Scientific or art field:Scenska arhitektura, tehnika i dizajn-scenski dizajn
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Course specification

Course is active from 01.10.2013..

Acquiring in-depth knowledge and skills needed for an individual and group work in the field of scene design and techniques, with the special focus on understanding and application of the renaissance and baroque principles of scene design in the contemporary practices.
Knowledge and understanding of the principles of scene design and techniques in the renaissance and baroque age. Ability to recognize and creatively apply these traditional ideas in the contemporary scene design and technique. Ability to work individually on concrete artistic tasks.
Spatial design of contemporary performing events in the context of the renaissance and post- renaissance ideas about the performing space. Renaissance spatial concepts of the performing events. Techniques of conceiving and realizing scenes in the renaissance theatre of Italy and England. Ideas about renaissance theatre applied in contemporary scenic art. Baroque concepts of performing space. Techniques of conceiving and realizing scenes conventional theatres and spaces. Baroque ideas about performing space applied to the post-baroque theatre, as well as the contemporary theatre practice.
Interactive lectures – teacher presentation and obligatory conversation with students on a given lecture topic. Independent student work on an individual project under the mentorship of with teachers and teaching assistants. Workshops, in which the topics elaborated in lectures are analysed and connected through practical work with the students’ projects. Student project implies the development of a conceptual design for a given stage and a given dramatic text. The project is a contemporary interpretation of the renaissance and/or baroque concepts and principles of performing space.
Hauard, PŠta je scenografija?2002Klio, BeogradSerbian language
Savić, J.Drama i pozornica1996Pozorišni muzej Vojvodine, Novi SadSerbian language
Nagel, A.Medieval Modern: Art Out of Time2012Thames and Hudson, London/Njujork, UK/SADEnglish
Serlio, S.The Five Books of Architecture1982Dover Publications, Njujork, SADEnglish
Joseph, S.New Theatre Forms1968Sir Isaac Pitmann & Sons, London, UKEnglish
Wolf, R.C., Block, D.Scene Design and Stage Lighting2014Cengage Learning, WadsworthEnglish
Kej, D., Lebreht, Dž.Zvuk i muzika u pozorištu : umetnost i tehnika dizajna2004Clio, BeogradSerbian language
Reid, F.The Stage Lighting Handbook2002Routledge, New YorkEnglish
Pilbrow, R.Stage Lighting Design: The Art, The Craft, The Life1997Nick Hern Books Ltd, LondonEnglish
Collison, D.The Sound of Theatre: From the Ancient Greeks to the Modern Digital Age- PLASA Limited, EastbourneEnglish
Evens, B.Live Sound Fundamentals2011Course Techology, a part of Cengage Learning, BostonEnglish
Dinulović, R., i grupa autoraArhitektura, tehnika i menadžment pozornice2016FTN, Novi SadSerbian language
Brown, R.Sound: A Reader in Theatre Practice2010Pelgrave Macmillan, HampshireEnglish
Course activity Pre-examination ObligationsNumber of points
Project taskYesYes15.00
Exercise attendanceYesYes5.00
Lecture attendanceYesYes5.00
Prezentacija i završna odbrana projektaNoYes30.00
Name and surnameForm of classes
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Dimitrovska Daniela
Assistant Professor

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Milijanović Dobrivoje
Associate Professor

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Mihajlović Darinka
Assistant Professor

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Dinulović Andrija
Assistant Professor

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Dimitrovska Daniela
Assistant Professor

Laboratory classes
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Erdeljan Zoja
Research Associate

Laboratory classes
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Mihajlović Darinka
Assistant Professor

Laboratory classes