Reč dekana

18.10.2023. - 14:29 

Dragi studenti, uvažene koleginice i kolege, poštovani prijatelji,

dobro došli na Fakultet tehničkih nauka, mesto na kome se više od šest decenija neguje kontinuitet razvoja visokog obrazovanja, nauke i saradnje sa privredom. Od svog osnivanja, 1960. godine Fakultet se neprekidno razvijao i prilagođavao promenljivim zahtevima tehnološkog razvoja. Zato je danas FTN prepoznat kao lider u oblasti inženjerstva ne samo na Univerzitetu u Novom Sadu, Republici Srbiji nego i u ovom delu Evrope. Za mene, kao vršioca dužnosti dekana ovog uglednog fakulteta, ovo je čast i privilegija, ali i velika odgovornost.

Sa bogatom istorijom i nasleđem, FTN se danas ponosi svojim brojnim studijskim programima, visokokvalifikovanim nastavnicima i saradnicima, kao i saradnjom sa drugim naučnim institucijama i privrednim subjektima. Naš imperativ je da pružimo visok kvalitet obrazovanja, promovišemo istraživački rad i podržimo inovacije u oblasti tehničkih nauka.

Sveobuhvatnim strateškim pristupom fokusiramo se na dalji razvoj i promenu sadržaja studijskih programa u skladu sa privrednim i tehnološkim zahtevima ali i stvaranje fleksibilnih interdisciplinarnih programa koji će našim studentima omogućiti da razvijaju širok spektar veština, kritičko mišljenje, naučnu pismenost i inovativnost. Jedino na ovaj način možemo se prilagoditi brzim promenama u industriji i tehnologiji.
Kroz investicije u laboratorije, infrastrukturu i saradnju sa privredom i drugim istraživačkim institucijama ohrabrujemo partnerstva koja studentima omogućavaju sticanje praktičnog iskustva a istraživačima rad na projektima sa stvarnim uticajem.

Napredak u tehničkim naukama ne može se ostvariti bez kontinuiranog naučnoistraživačkog rada, a Fakultet tehničkih nauka igra ključnu ulogu u ovom procesu. Naši nastavnici i saradnici godišnje objavljuju veliki broj naučnih radova u vodećim časopisima, gostujući su predavači na svetskim univerzitetima i imaju brojne registrovane patente, tehnička rešenja, studije i izgrađene objekte. Fakultet je takođe organizator mnogobrojnih naučnih i stručnih konferencija i skupova koji doprinose razvoju nauke i akademskih disciplina, utiču na širenje znanja, razmenu ideja, unapređuju karijere istraživača i promovišu interdisciplinarni rad.

Najvažniji resurs FTN-a su ljudi - studenti, nastavnici, saradnici i nenastavno osoblje. Nastavićemo da ulažemo u njihov razvoj, pobošljanje materijalnog položaja kako bi Fakultet uspešno nastavio put ka izvrsnosti i ostao lider u oblasti tehničkih nauka.

Na kraju, Fakultet tehničkih nauka je posvećen svojoj misiji da obrazuje i podržava nove generacije stručnjaka, istraživača i preduzetnika. Naša prošlost je bogata, sadašnjost je dinamična, a budućnost je puna izazova i mogućnosti. Radujem se ovom putovanju i ostvarivanju zajedničkih ciljeva.

S poštovanjem,

prof. dr Boris Dumnić, v. d. dekana

Fakultet tehničkih nauka u brojkama
- Studenti: više od 17000
- Zaposleni: 1228 (nastavno 879; nenastavno 349)
- 13 departmana
- 48 katedri
- 10 stručnih službi
- 37 naučnoistraživačkih centara
- 126 savremeno opremljenih laboratorija
- Računarski centar sa 360 računara
- Biblioteka raspolaže fondom od 195522 bibliotečke jedinice

Trenutno je u procesu realizacije 160 međunarodnih projekta (H2020/HORIZON EUROPE, IPA INTERREG, ERASMUS+, CEEPUS, COST) i više od 60 domaćih naučnih projekata, koje finansiraju: Ministartvo nauke tehnološkog razvoja i inovacija, Pokrajinski sekretarijat za visoko obrazovanje i naučnoistraživačku delatnost, Fond za nauku Republike Srbije, Fond za inovacione delatnosti i ostali.
FTN je izdavač 4 međunarodna naučna časopisa, a godišnje je organizator ili suorganizator preko 20 stalnih naučno stručnih konferencija iz oblasti koje razvija.

Dear students, distinguished colleagues, respected friends,

Welcome to the Faculty of Technical Sciences, a place where, for more than six decades, the continuity of the development of higher education, science, and cooperation with the economy has been nurtured. Since its foundation in 1960, the Faculty has continuously developed and adapted to the altering demands of technological development. That is the reason why FTS is recognized today as a leader in the field of engineering, not only at the University of Novi Sad, Republic of Serbia, but also in this part of Europe. For me, as an acting dean of this distinguished faculty, this is an honour and a privilege, though also a great responsibility.

With a rich history and heritage, FTS is proud of its numerous study programmes, highly qualified teachers and associates, as well as cooperation with other scientific institutions and business entities. Our imperative is to provide high-quality education, promote research work, and support innovation in the field of technical sciences.

With a comprehensive strategic approach, we focus on the further development and modification in the content of study programmes in accordance with economic and technological requirements, but also on the creation of flexible interdisciplinary programmes that will enable our students to develop a wide range of skills, including critical thinking, scientific literacy, and innovation. This is the only way we can adapt to rapid changes in industry and technology.
Through investments in laboratories, infrastructure, and cooperation with the economy and other research institutions, we encourage partnerships that enable students to gain practical experience and researchers to work on projects with real impact.

Progress in technical sciences cannot be achieved without continuous scientific research, and the Faculty of Technical Sciences plays a key role in this process. Our teachers and associates have been publishing a large number of scientific papers in leading journals annually, they are guest lecturers at universities world wide, and have numerous registered patents, technical solutions, studies, and built facilities. The Faculty is also the organizer of numerous scientific and professional conferences and meetings that contribute to the development of science and academic disciplines, influence the spread of knowledge, facilitate the exchange of ideas, advance the careers of researchers, and promote interdisciplinary work.

FTS's most important resource are its people – students, teachers, associates, and non-teaching staff. We will continue to invest in their development, improving their material position, so that the Faculty can successfully continue its path to excellence and remain a leader in the field of technical sciences.

Finally, the Faculty of Technical Sciences is dedicated to its mission to educate and support new generations of experts, researchers, and entrepreneurs. Our past is rich, our present is dynamic, and our future is full of challenges and opportunities. I am looking forward to this journey and the achievement of common goals.


prof. Boris Dumnić, acting dean

Faculty of Technical Sciences in numbers
- Students: more than 17.000
- Employees: 1.228 (teaching staff 879; non-teaching staff 349)
- 13 departments
- 48 chairs
- 10 professional offices
- 37 scientific and research centres
- 126 contemporary equipped laboratories
- Computer centre with 360 computers
- Library with a collection of 195.522 library items

Currently, the realization process includes 160 international projects (H2020/HORIZON EUROPE, IPA INTERREG, ERASMUS+, CEEPUS, COST) and more than 60 domestic scientific projects, financed by: Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation, Provincial Secretariat for Higher Education and Scientific Research, Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia, Innovation Fund, and others.
FTS is the publisher of 4 international scientific journals, and annually it organizes or co-organizes more than 20 regular scientific professional conferences in the field it develops.