Subject: Writing and Defence of the Master Thesis (17 - IGA0ZR)

Basic Information

Scientific or art field:Design
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Course specification

Course is active from 01.10.2010..

The objective of writing and defending the Master thesis is that the student shows independent and creative approach in applying acquired practical and theoretical knowledge in the adequate field in the practice and in the field of computing and control engineering. Enabling students to study literature and scientific research.
By writing and defending the Master thesis, students who completed the studies should be competent to solve real problems in the practice as well as to continue education if they decide to. Graduated students acquire thorough knowledge and understanding of all disciplines of the chosen study group, as well as the ability to solve specific problems by using scientific methods and procedures. Graduated students are able to write and present their work results in an adequate manner. Graduated students of this level of studies have the competence to monitor and apply innovations in the profession, as well as to cooperate with local, social and international surrounding.
Engineering Animation in technical disciplines, application in simulations and mechanical engineering, civil engineering, architecture, traffic… Application of animation in medicine. Making short animated movies.
A mentor chooses one of the given modules for writing and defence of the Master thesis (the same module as for theoretical background) in which the student will write the Master thesis and formulate the topic with the tasks for elaboration of the Master thesis. The candidate works independently on the given problem with consultations with the mentor. After the Master thesis is written and the mentor consent is given, the candidate defends the thesis in front of the Committee consisting of at least three members where at least one of them is from the different Faculty.
Razni autoriRadovi sa međunarodnih konferencija i iz časopisa2018razniEnglish
Course activity Pre-examination ObligationsNumber of points
Master thesis defenceNoYes50.00
Writing the master thesisYesYes50.00
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