Subject: Production and Graduation of Master Thesis in Arts (17 - ASM9)

Basic Information

Scientific or art field:Scenska arhitektura, tehnika i dizajn-scenski dizajn
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Course specification

Course is active from 01.10.2013..

Acquiring ability for independent creative work on the selected subject and theme of the artwork in scene design, under the mentorship. Ability for independent work on the concept, preparation, realisation of the scene design artwork, ability of performing, documenting and defending artwork in front of the audience.
Ability for independent preparation and realisation of a complex artwork. Ability to conceive and organise display of individual artwork, ability to argument and defend theoretical principles and ideas, as well as artistic approaches and results.
Defining the topic of the Master artwork – establishing the work title. Creative research and establishment of artistic concept. Elaborating the artistic concept and artistic means of expression. Defining spatial solution in exhibiting/performing space or environment. Defining the content and production of final elaborate. Creation of graphic display (posters) that represent artwork, as well as artistic process. Defending the work in front of the committee.
Master work needs to be realised artwork in the area of scene design followed by the relevant textual explanation. Textual elaborate needs to include presentation of theoretical basis, artistic process, preparation and realisation of the artwork, performing/displaying of the artwork as well as perception and reception from the audience. Artwork in scene design could be an event, spatial intervention, art installation, multimedia artwork or any other artistic format in the area of scene design. Brief for the artistic work should be defined by mentor and approved by the Study Programme Council.
Grupa autoraLiteratura se određuje u skladu sa zadacima koje student obavlјa- -Serbian/English language
Course activity Pre-examination ObligationsNumber of points
Master thesis defenceNoYes50.00
Writing the master thesisYesYes50.00
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