9. Engineering as Communication Language in Europe

22.05.2017. - 13:14 
Description: The prolong of Network “Engineering as Communication Language in Europe” is a continuation of successful cooperation between Universities on the base of Network PL-0701 which was established in 2012. There many native languages in Europe however, very often engineers use their own slang, which is quite well understandable to them, regardless of their nationality. I have noticed, that technical tutorials, brochures or other documents which are written in technical English can by understood by people, who have only basic knowledge of English. The goal of the new CEEPUS Network “Engineering as Communication Language in Europe” is to create communication and cooperation between engineers dealing with various engineering branches, thanks to what we would be able to create Interdisciplinary Engineering Teams. A strong background in engineer techniques applicable to a wide variety of complex problems is in demand along with engineers who understand more than one discipline and are prepared to work at the intersection of two or more engineering and science disciplines. Nowadays research and industry sectors have high requirements towards engineers. Often a single engineer is not able to solve complicated interdisciplinary problems, but there is a great possibility that Interdisciplinary Engineering Teams would make it better and faster. We would like to involve teachers from partner Institutions in order to create team projects that would be main part of the program. We would also like students to take benefit from our Program. Thanks to it, students would be able to freely communicate and work - communicating with their supervisors e.g. during trainings, summer schools, excursions, etc. "Engineering as Communication Language in Europe” gives the opportunity to create successful cooperation not only between teachers but also students from the universities which are to participate in the network, as well as between beneficiaries of the freemover mobility. Teacher and student mobility within this network enables learning and research experiences exchange within related fields, helps to build personal connections, broaden professional horizons and what is more, gives the opportunity to develop the curriculas.

Contact Person: Doc dr Borislav Savkovic
Period of realization: 2015 - 2016
ID: CIII-PL-0033-11-1516