10. Teaching and research in advanced manufacturing

22.05.2017. - 13:12 
Description: This network aims to contribute to the objectives of the Europe 2020 Strategy, by develop strategies and partnerships considering that a comprehensive internationalization strategy should cover key areas grouped into the following three categories: 1. international student and staff mobility; 2. the internationalization and improvement of curricula and digital learning; 3. strategic cooperation, partnerships and capacity building. These categories should not be seen as isolated but as integrated elements of a comprehensive strategy, which can be subordinated to the Salzburg Principles and the Salzburg II Recommendations of the European University Association (EUA). Of course, the comprehensive internationalization strategies will only be successful if they are the result of a collaborative effort of all participants into the framework of this network. Mobility brings manifold benefits to the institution and individual. It is an instrument for increase the international experience, the acquisition of new competences, languages and teaching methods. Mobility, and in particular credit mobility, should be used as a strong incentive for improving the quality of European higher education. Considering that mobility is always limited to a relatively small percentage of the student and teachers, our CEEPUS network must increasingly focus on the integration of a global dimension in the design and content of all curricula and teaching/learning processes. Digital learning and the widening use of ICT technology can open up the curriculum to knowledge, materials and teaching methods, fostering new forms of partnerships, exchanges across disciplines and faculties that would otherwise be difficult to establish. Increased openness and access through technology will improve competition and transparency, and allow to adjust teaching methods and materials to the needs of students who will work in a globalised labor market. Evidence shows that Joint and double degrees are powerful tools: to promote quality assurance and mutual recognition of qualifications; to attract talent and deepen partnerships; and to enhance the international experience, intercultural competence and employability of graduates.

Contact Person: Prof. dr Milenko Sekulic
Period of realization: 2015 - 2016
ID: CIII-RO-0013-11-1516