23. The Urban Innovations Network

22.05.2017. - 12:33 
Description: The Urban Innovations Network is tended as an instrument to strengthen the cooperation between concerned partners from different countries in the eponymous subject of Urban Innovations those cover a framework of three different spheres of urban space. Namely its physical structure, social structure and functional structure. The main goal of this network is to establish an interface between those spheres and strategical documents such as territorial agenda and Leipzig Charter to contribute to the territorial cohesion through the academical cooperation program CEEPUS.
Therefore, the main targets in collaboration will focus on topics such as:

- Integrated urban development as a prerequisite for successful urban sustainability
- Strategies for upgrading the physical environment in deprived urban areas
- Strengthening the local economy and local labour market policy in deprived urban areas
- Proactive education and training policies on children and young people in deprived urban areas
- Sustainable urban transport
- Territorial cohesion

Programme operational objectives:

- To improve the quality and to increase the volume of mobility throughout the network area
- To improve the quality and to increase the volume of co-operation between partners of the Urban Innovations Network
- To facilitate the development of innovative practices in the field of education
- To improve the transparency and recognition of qualifications and competences
- To form joint degrees
- To encourage the learning of modern foreign languages

Contact Person: Doc. dr Milena Krklješ
Period of realization: 2015 - 2016
ID: CIII-SK-0606-05-1516