4. Modernising GEOdesy education in WEstern Balkan with focus on competences and learning outcomes (GEOWEB)

22.05.2017. - 14:27 
Description: Within the project envisages promotion of regional cooperation and integration between the geodetic educational institutions and other partners of the project participants. The program will provide curriculum development with a focus on achieving expertise and improving the learning of geodesy and geomatics, with a focus on improving the learning system in geodesy and geomatics at the partner universities. Organizing summer schools for teachers to exchange knowledge and expertise in the field of geodesy and geomatics. The result of the project will be the implementation of a mechanism for ensuring quality in education in order to acquire the expertise and the introduction of e-learning based on problem solving. In cooperation geodetic educational institutions and other partners will be realized improving existing GIS applications in the management and use of land, water and environmental protection. The project involved research groups in the field of geodesy and geomatics, with complementary expertise. The result of the project will be the launch of new programs for Master studies of geodesy at selected partner universities. Within the project it is planned to introduce e-learning based on problem solving (Problem-Based Learning (PBL)). The project envisages the exchange of students and teachers between the EU and universities in the Western Balkans. Also, the project will affect the improvement of the learning system in geodesy at the partner universities In cooperation with other partners and institutions on the project.

Contact person: Prof. dr Miro Govedarica
Period of realization: 2016 – 2019