Subject: Equipment and systems for helping old, ill and disabled people (17 - BMI120)

Basic Information

Scientific or art field:Automatic Control and System Engineering
Course specification

Course is active from 08.10.2012..

Training students for understanding the possibilities and importance of using modern technical solutions in order to help elderly, ill and persons with disabilities.
Acquiring of knowledge and skills, necessary for designing and implementing the systems of automation in business and residential facilities with the aim of adjusting them to persons with disabilities.
- The history of applying the modern automation solutions in the adjustment of business and residential facilities for persons with disabilities - The standards in the field of automation of business and residential facilities adapted for persons with disabilities - DCS architecture in the systems of automation of business and residential facilities - Communication protocols (LON, KNX, X10) - The adjustment of HVAC systems in business and residential facilities for persons with disabilities - The lighting and its adjustment to persons with disabilities - The air conditioning of business and residential facilities for persons with disabilities - The special aids for persons with disabilities and their connection to the automation systems of business and residential facilities - Designing the automation systems for business and residential facilities adapted for persons with disabilities - Portable telemedical devices, moniotoring, telediagnosis, teleterapy, teleconsultation... - Systems for the aquisition of physiological parameters and signals in non-clinical environment
Lectures. Computer practice. Laboratory practice. Consultations.
G. J. LevermoreBuilding energy management systems2008Department of building engineering UMISTEnglish
Roger W. Haines Douglas C. HittleControl systems for heating, ventilating and air conditioning2008SpringerEnglish
Course activity Pre-examination ObligationsNumber of points
Theoretical part of the examNoYes50.00
Name and surnameForm of classes
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Čongradac Velimir
Full Professor

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Ivanović Vladimir
Associate Professor

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Gavrilović Milan
Assistant - Master

Laboratory classes
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Maravić Nikolina
Assistant - Master

Laboratory classes