Subject: Material Flow Analysis (17 - Z520)

Basic Information

Scientific or art field:Environment Protection Engineering
Course specification

Course is active from 05.10.2012..

The educational goals of the subject is to acquire general knowledge about metabolism of the anthrophosphere and material flow analysis as a methodology for the design and analysis of antropogenic metabolism. The main objective is to establish an adequate basis for decision-making in environmental management, resource management and identification of material flows and envisage the behavior of the analyzed system according to the proposed or implemented technical or technological changes.
Acquisition of basic knowledge in the field of metabolism of the anthrophosphere as the basis for the soundly management of resources and the environment. Qualifaing students that through engineering analysis apply methodology of material flow analysis to model the anthropogenic metabolism, analyse and collect data, implementing software packages tailored made for the performing of material flow analysis.
Theoretical knowledge: fundamental concept of anthropogenic metabolism, basic principles of material flow analysis, the link between anthropogenic metabolism, environmental management and resource management, possibilities of application material flow analysis in the field of anthropogenic metabolism, basic methods for identification and mapping the material flows, defininition the most important flows in the environment, introduction with of software packages and their potential application to model the anthropogenic metabolism, the ability of the results application to improve the environmental management system and resource management, introduction to basic methods for the evaluation of the results obtained by material flows analysis. Practical learning: analysis and introduction to software packages for the implementation of material flow analysis, case studies analysis, related to the issues from the lectures, computer tasks, making examples of material flow for the selected problem.
Teaching is organized through lectures and exercises with full student participation. During exercises students are introducing with different practice examples and solving tasks which contributes to overcoming material is processed during lectures.
Baccini, P., Brunner, P.H.Metabolism of the antroposphere2012MIT Press, CambridgeEnglish
Gospođini, C.A, Brebbia, E. TiezziThe sustainable city V Urban regeneration and sustainability2008WIT Press English
Brunner, P.H., Recheberger, H.Practical Handbook of Material Flow Analysis2004Lewis Publishers, Boca RatonEnglish
Dejan Ubavin, Bojan Batinić, Nemanja StanisavljevićTehnologije energetskog iskorišćenja otpada2018FTN izdavaštvoSerbian language
Vujić, G., Ubavin, D., Stanisavljević, N., Batinić, B.Upravljanje otpadom u zemljama u razvoju2012FTN izdavaštvoSerbian language
Course activity Pre-examination ObligationsNumber of points
Exercise attendanceYesYes5.00
Written part of the exam - tasks and theoryNoYes70.00
Lecture attendanceYesYes5.00
Name and surnameForm of classes
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Stanisavljević Nemanja
Full Professor

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Vujić Goran
Full Professor

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Vujović Svjetlana
Assistant with PhD

Computational classes