About Mechanization and Design Engineering

16.05.2013. - 11:35
About the Department

At the Department for Mechanization and Design Engineering more than 600 students have graduated, more than 30 have obtained a master’s degree, and more than 20 have obtained a doctoral degree to this day. There are currently around 200 students studying at the Department.


The studies at the DEPARTMENT FOR MECHANIZATION AND DESIGN ENGINEERING at the Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad are divided into three cycles:

FIRST CYCLE STUDIES – Undergraduate Academic Studies last four years (eight semesters) and students are obliged to obtain 240 ECTS (European system of accreditation points), including the final paper, which is worth 15 ECTS.

SECOND CYCLE STUDIES – Graduate Academic-Master’s Studies last one year (two semesters) and are the continuation of the undergraduate academic studies, while the students are obliged to obtain additional 60 ECTS, so that after completing the second cycle of studies each student has obtained no less than 300 ECTS.
In the course of the second cycle of studies, the student can choose between 3 modules (study groups):

• Machine Design, Transport and Logistics
• Agricultural and Food Engineering
• Engines and Vehicles

with numerous elective subjects which will enable the student to get directly involved with the choosen field of economy in the country or abroad. The elected module (study group) is stated in the Diploma Supplement.

THIRD CYCLE STUDIES - Doctoral Studies last three years (six semesters) and are the continuation of the Graduate Academic Studies. The student is oblidged to obtain 180 ECTS, so that after completing the Doctoral studies the student has obtained at least 480 ECTS in total.

Organization of the Department

At the Department for Mechanization and Design Engineering classes are carried out at three subdepartments:
• Chair of Machine Design, Transport Systems and Logistics
• Chair of Engines and Vehicles
• Chair of Machine Elements, Machine and Mechanism
Theory and Mechanical Engineering in Agriculture

Scientific and Research Work

Scientific-research work is carried out within the projects of the Ministry of Science and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Serbia, of the Provincial Secretariat for Science and Technological Development and within other projects carried out by international institutions and associations. About 130 scientific research projects and topics have been carried
out at the Department.

At its disposal, the department has 9 laboratories, out of which 5 are used for classes and scientific research work.

The following projects are currently being carried out:

• Application of Information Technologies in the Harbours of Serbia – from Machine Monitoring to the Network System within the EU Environment (a technological development project TR-35036 the Ministry of Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia);
• DAHAR – Danube Inland Harbour Development (project 2012/283-599, South-East EU);
• Integration Models of the Transport System (a technological development project TR-036024 the Ministry of Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia);
• Sustainable Development Models of Traffic in Vojvodina (a technical-technological project 114-451-2273/2011 the Provincial Secretariat for Science and Technological Development);
• Research of Vehicle Safety as a Part of the Cybernetic System Driver-Vehicle-Environment (a technological development project TR-35041 the Ministry of Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia);
• Tractor and Mobile System Quality Improvement with the Objective to Increase Competitiveness, Protect the Soil and Environment (a technological development project TR- 31046 the Ministry of Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia);
• Development and Improvement of Automotive and Urban Engineering Studies in Serbia (DIAUSS) (a TEMPUS project JP 516729-2011);
• Modern Approach in Development of Special Solutions for Bearing Assemblies in Mechanical Engineering and Medical Prosthetics (a technological development project TR-35025 the Ministry of Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia);
• Research and Development of the New Generation of Wind Turbines with High Energy Efficiency (a technological development project TR-35005 the Ministry of Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia);
• Improvement of product development studies in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina (project 530577-TEMPUS- 1-2012-1-RS-TEMPUS-JPCR;
• Technical Characteristics Research of Modern Products in Machine Industry (Machine Design, Fluid Technics and Calculations) with the Purpose of the Improvement of Their Market Characteristics and Better Placement on the Market (project CIII-RS-0304-05-1213);
• Development of Mechanical Engineering (design, technology and production management) as an essential base for logistics - research, preparation and implementation of joint programs of study (project CIII-PL-0033-08-1213);
• Modern Trends in Education and Research on Mechanical Systems - Bridging Reliability, Quality and Tribology (project CIII-BG- 0703-01-1213).