Subject: Aktuelno stanje u oblasti (12 - SID04A)

Basic Information

CategoryAcademic-general educative
Scientific or art field:Architecture
Native organizations units

Course native organizational units not found!
Course specification

Course is active from 01.10.2013..

Students insight into current research directions and ways of solving the problem from a broader field of study
Knowledge of current research trends in the world in the field based on the lectures of professors from top universities in Europe or distinguished experts from well-known companies from abroad.
Current topics in the field of research that present the distinguished professors and experts invited lectures. Student makes choice of topics and attended lectures at will or news topics.
Presents solutions of current problems and methods of theoretical multimedia presentation
RazniČasopisi sa SCI. liste2013IEEE Publishinhg. i dr.Serbian/English language
Course activity Pre-examination ObligationsNumber of points
Oral part of the examNoYes70.00
Name and surnameForm of classes
Missing picture!

Dinulović Radivoje
Redovni profesor iz polja umetnosti
