Subject: Microprocessor systems in medicine (17 - BMI103)

Basic Information

Scientific or art field:Electronics
Course specification

Course is active from 05.11.2012..

The objective of the course is to teach the students modeling, modular design, simulation and implementation of computer hardware and design and testing of application software in high level programming language for intelligent, microprocessor based medical devices.
Student who successfully completes the course will be able to perform the following tasks for a specified, low complexity, microprocessor based medical device: - Design, simulate and implement hardware based on the given specification. - Model, design, simulate and implement applicative software in a high level programming language. - Integrate hardware and software components and test functionality of implemented intelligent medical device.
Design of intelligent, microprocessor and microcontroller based medical devices. Use of software tools in design and simulation of microcomputer systems. Structure of embedded systems software. Design, implementation and testing of applicative system programs. Use of high level programming languages and software tools in design and implementation of microcomputer software. Microcontroller interface with input / output devices used in medicine. Introduction to real time embedded systems. Real examples of embedded systems in medical devices. Communication and networking of microcontrollers with medical instrumentation.
Lectures, auditory exercises, laboratory exercises, consultations.
Milan LukićSkripte2017Fakultet tehničkih naukaSerbian language
Tim WilmshurstDesigning Embedded Systems with PIC Microcontrollers2009NewnesEnglish
Ramesh GaonkarThe Fundamentals of Microcontrollers and Applications in Embedded Systems with PIC2007Thomson Delmar LearningEnglish
Manuel Jiménez, Rogelio Palomera, Isidoro CouvertierIntroduction to Embedded Systems Using Microcontrollers and the MSP4302014SpringerEnglish
Course activity Pre-examination ObligationsNumber of points
Complex exercisesYesYes50.00
Final exam - part oneNoYes25.00
Final exam - part twoNoYes25.00
Name and surnameForm of classes
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Lukić Milan
Assistant Professor

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Teodorović Predrag
Associate Professor

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Rašović Predrag
Assistant Professor

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Samardžić Nataša
Associate Professor

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Mezei Ivan
Full Professor

Laboratory classes
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Brkić Miodrag
Associate Professor

Laboratory classes
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Bratić Stojanka
Teaching Associate

Laboratory classes
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Tanović Anja
Assistant - Master

Laboratory classes
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Marković Nikola
Teaching Associate

Laboratory classes