20. Applied Economics and Management

22.05.2017. - 12:48 
Description: Based on the very positive feedback received from network partners and from new universities interested in joining the network, we found it effective to work out the proposal of prolongation. Thus, we are planning: - to continue and expand cooperation within the network with 23 universities and carry out coordinating network activities; - to enable undergraduate, graduate, doctoral and lecturer exchanges to facilitate the emphasis areas at the host institutions, with using the library and other available resources; - to organize and manage the work of experts' groups in applied economics and management (namely in the field of macroeconomics, merchandising and applied agri-sector economics); - to prepare, adapt and deliver common curricula and teaching materials to wider educational community in the field of managerial courses, agricultural economics, finance, marketing and business studies; - to share distance learning experience; - to maintain the developed international Master study program "Business Economics" offered by 5 universities of the network; however, because of legislation difficulties in partner countries and some personal changes in the management of partner institutions still the final version of the program not available – ongoing discussion how to adjust the program to make it accessible as much as possible; - to introduce PhD theses with CEEPUS partners as consultants; - based on the module cooperation within doctoral study program Economics and Management between the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra and Agricultural University in Cracow we plan to use CEEPUS mobilities in categories: doctoral mobilities and staff mobilities to support this kind of PhD program; - to promote freemover mobilities based on acceptance letters: the network will enable also universities out of the network to offer their English courses in the relevant field and thereby promote selected English Modules and involve them into the operating network; - providing practical experience as a part of international practical short term excursion introduced into the practice of university studies in the future, as an inevitable part of university studies.

Contact Person: Doc. Dr Slavica Mitrović
Period of realization: 2015 - 2016
ID: CIII-SK-0044-10-1516