Assoc. Prof. Jelena Todorović

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Jelena Todorović

Associate Professor

Academic titleAssociate Professor
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TitleIn institution

Bachelor's thesis


Faculty of Philosophy


Magister thesis


University College London



PhD thesis


University College London


Criterium of productionDescription
() Monograph of the international importance“An Orthodox Festival Book in the Habsburg Empire – Zaharija Orfelin`s Festive Greeting of Mojsije Putnik"s in 1757”, knjiga u izdanju, Ashgate, London 2006.
() Monographic study/chapter in M11 or research in the thematic collection of the leading international importance“Spectacles in the Shadow: the Semi- Official Festivals of the Orthodox in the Habsburg Empire”, tekst u zborniku Triumphs of the Defeated, Wolfenbuttel, 2007
() Monographic study/chapter in M11 or research in the thematic collection of the leading international importance“Između spektakla i otadžbine, ili spektakl kao otadžbina” u Srbija moj slučaj/Serbia my Case, (pr. Tatjana Dadić-Dinulović), Clio, Beograd 2008 ISBN 978-86-908463-1-3
() Monographic study/chapter in M11 or research in the thematic collection of the leading international importance“Of Power and Memory: the ceremonial space and political spectacle in Belgrade 2000-2007”, tekst za Teatar, politika, grad - studija slučaja Beograd (Srbija na Praškom Kvadrijenalu Scenskog dizajna), 2007. ISBN 978-86-910201-0-1
() Monographic study/chapter in M12 or research in the thematic collection of the international importanceAir and Fire: the Concept of Time and Presence in the Culture of the Baroque, u Zbornik Narodnog muzeja-istorija umetnosti, XX-2 (2012)
() Monographic study/chapter in M12 or research in the thematic collection of the international importance“The Dual Body Politic or the Myth of Power? The Ideology of sovereignty in the Orthodox Archbishopric within the Habsburg Empire” u zborniku radova Images of the Body Politic, Bari, 2007
() Research published in the international journalKo-scenarista, autor i spiker, sa prof. Marijom Mitrović dokumentarne serije Trst – raskršće naroda, jezika i kultura, 5 epizoda, produkcija Redakcija za nauku RTS, emitovano mart-april 2012.
() Research published in the international journalMentor i kustos projekta i izložbe “Nevidljivi gradovi”, Fakultet tehničkih nauka u Novom Sadu i Manual M.F.A.M., 12.-14.10.2012.
() Research published in the international journalThe Life as Spectacle-Eugenio Popovich and the Arts” u zborniku Cultura Serba a Trieste (a cura di Marija Mitrovic), Argo, Lecce 2010.
() Research published in the international journal“Investiture into History: the Ideals of the Orthodox Church Represented in the ephemeral Spectacle for the Bishop Mojsej Putnik (1757)”, u Object IV (2002) ISSN 1569-7220
() Research published in the international journal“The Orthodox Concept of Renovatio Imperii and the Equestrian Portrait of Emperor Dušan”, u Object III (2000) ISSN 1464-7230
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entirety“Sacred hearts, labyrinths and festivals: Baroque art and the cultural bylinguality”, referat sa Piterom Dejvidsonom na konferenciji RSA, Majami 21.-25.03.2007.
() National monographs, thematic collections etc."Pejzaž oblikovan idejom", u Dunavom od Bezdana do Beograda, Balkanološki insitut SANU, Beograd, 2012.
() Monograph of the national importance, monographic edition,O ogledalima, ružama i ništavilu - koncept vremena i prolaznosti u baroknoj kulturi, Clio, Beograd, 2012
() Monograph of the national importance, monographic edition,Entitet u senci ' mapiranje moći i državni spekakl u Karlovačkoj mitropoliji, Platoneum, Novi Sad, 2010
() Chapter in the M41 or research in the prominent thematic collection of the leading national importance“Koncept privatnog na pozornici javnog – život na mitropolijskom dvoru u Karlovcima u XVIII veku” u Istorija privatnog života u srpskim zemljama u osvit novog doba, Clio, 2005 ISBN 0353-6351
() Journal of the national importance„Prošlost koju su izgubili“, u Kultura, no.131, 2011, 134-145, ISSN 0023-5164
() Research published in the leading journal of the national importance„Vihar, plam i sjena – analiza dela „Memento mori“ iz Dvorske kolekcije“, u Saopštenja, XLIII, 2011, 14-25
() Research published in the journal of the national importance“Zastave Ilirsko-rascijanske regimente u kontekstu baroknog efemernog spektakla” , u Nasledje časopis zavoda za zaštitu spomenika (2003) ISSN 1450-605X
() Collections of meetings of the national importance“O prirodi i vremenu” u Zbornik Narodnog muzeja za istoriju umetnosti, 2010, ISSN 0352-2466
TitleScientific areaHigher education institutionElection date
Associate ProfessorNew Age Art HistoryFaculty of Fine Arts01.10.2010.